jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Demo Reel Concepts!

Che Guevara!
Of course, why wouldn't I do a homage to one of the greatest men that ever lived?
It is going to be a photo-real piece, high-res, awesome lighting. Hair simulation, rendered in v-ray (probably)
Very excited about this one. 

Two awesome character concepts done by artist Wesley Burt. The first one was made for the game Army of Two, the second one is an early concept for Borderlands. I can't wait to do both of these! They will be game res, and I think they will look so good in 3d. Specially excited about all the gear and cloth sculpting that will be involved in both of these. I want to render them in some really intense action poses, I really wan't to avoid the standard boring turntables.

Finally, and ironically the first piece I'm working on, the famous and completely mind-blowing awesome District-9 mech. There is nothing like good old fashioned poly-modeling, and this mech will be a test of my point-pushing skills. There will be no sculpting involved, which is interesting because I'm such a big fan of sculpting stuff. 
Hopefully I will have a base mesh for this one this semester, I want to rig it as a final proyect for our Maya 200 class. 

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Father Time (reaper)

finally started sculpting the (reaper) character...
Well, now he is Father time, because it makes more sense.
Unless the reaper really likes having a lot of clocks.
it really isn't the same without the beard... i need to do that.

Clint Eastwood sculpt

a friedly competition between a classmate and me, hopefully it will be a weekly thing.
this week it was a bust of Clint Eastwood.
I have not seen his yet.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2

This game is going to be so good!
I can't wait for it... too bad there isn't even a realease date yet.